Choose the Learning Path and All Else Will Fall Into Place
Call us at: 617.838.6501
Homeschool Group Program
Blazing Saddles Homeschoolers Group Program is a carefully curated weekly drop off learning program for children aged 4 to 17. Each session provides a new topic to discover and hands on farm and exotic animal experiences!
Exploratory Learning
Play, Observation, Conversation, Collaborative Games
and Group Nature Exploration
Socio-Emotional Skills and Health
Storytelling, Mindfulness, Building Bonds, Practicing Awareness and Movement Activities
Community Projects
Animal Care, Fundraising & Animal Rescue
Traditional Living Skills
Upkeep chickens, Gardening, Harvesting/Preserving and Living Without Plastics
Program Overviews
All programs are built on age groups!
9am - 10am Volunteer Hour
Ages 8 - 12
Mondays & Wednesdays 10am - 2pm
September - June
2 Classes and Lunch Break
One Day per Week Monthly Tuition: $200
Two Days per Week Monthly Tuition: $325
20% Discount for Sibling Pairs
Mondays & Wednesdays 10am - 2pm
September - June
2 Classes and Lunch Break
One Day per Week Monthly Tuition: $200
Two Days per Week Monthly Tuition: $325
20% Discount for Sibling Pairs